


資料來源:公共關係中心 吳嵩山 主任

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中國醫藥大學舉辦《2022台灣國際創新生物醫學峰會》於11月4日在水湳校區國際會議廳盛大登場,今年邀請到諾貝爾獎得主Dr.Michael Rosbash等21位國內外生物醫學領域的頂尖學者分享最新研究成果,全程以全英文進行並採實體及視訊方式互動交流,國內年輕學者與碩博士生有近千人參與場面熱絡;蔡長海董事長致詞感謝國內外的知名學者參與國際學術盛會,期待能促進台灣國際合作和生物醫學科學的影響;洪明奇校長則肯定台灣生物醫學研究亮點,讓台灣在生命科學的成果也能被世界所看見。

由中國醫藥大學校長洪明奇院士創辦的《台灣國際創新生物醫學峰會International Conference on Advanced Biomedical Sciences,Taiwan》,去年首次舉辦在國內生命科學界造成轟動,備受好評;今年峰會仍延續癌症醫學研究為重要的主軸舉行三天,邀請國內外癌症領域的頂尖學者,包含諾貝爾獎得主Dr. Michael Rosbash,美國國家醫學院院士(National Academy of Medicine,NAM):Drs.Raymond DuBois,Chi Van Dang,Nancy Davidson,Anil Sood.國際癌症頂尖學者:Hideyuki Saya,Liuqing Yang,Dung-Fang Lee.國內專家:Ann-Lii(Andrew) Cheng,Kai-Cheng Hsu, Chin-Chi Kuo,Muh-Hwa Yang, Ruey-Hwa Chen,Li-Jung Juan,Yi-Ching Wang,Kuo-Juey Wu,洪明奇院士(Mien-Chie Hung);以及國際知名期刊總編輯:Steve Mao(Cancer Cell),Angela Eggleston (Nature),Chi Van Dang(Cancer Research),這些重量級學者發表最新研究成果,同時對當前國內外最重要也最具前瞻性的生物醫學議題,包括癌症訊息傳遞與、癌症代謝、誘導性多功能幹細胞於癌治療的應用、癌症免疫、AI醫療大數據、創新技術與轉譯、新穎癌症治療等全球關注的議題進行經驗分享交流,共同探討癌症的難題,為人類的健康謀最大的福祉。







蔡董事長 ICABS 2022開幕致詞 

Good evening Dr. Rosbash! Thank you very much for joining us from US.
Distinguished guests from US and Japan, thank you for traveling far to visit CMU. President Hung, President Tsai, Superintendent Cho, Superintendent Cheng…experts and scientists from Taiwan, colleagues and students from CMU health care system, Good Morning!
It is my great pleasure to welcoming you to attend the ICABS this year (International Conference on Advanced Biomedical Sciences). This is the second ICABS conference in this campus since we moved here two years ago. Thanks to President Hung’s vision in creating  the ICABS conference, which is always packed with world and domestic renowed experts. This annual international conference has a full support from the CMU Board of Trustees, and I look forward to its impact on the promotion of international collaboration and biomedical sciences in Taiwan.  
China Medical University and hospitals stride to promote both fundamental and translational researches for the development of precise and innovative therapy against cancer, which is human’s biggest enemy. To do so, we have been recruiting top researchers/physicians worldwide, collaborating with domestic and international institutions, and organizing international conferences such as ICABS. 
This conference provides an excellent opportunity for students and young scientists to absorb new knowledge, keep up with the pace of the world, and to be innovative and creative. As I always encourage students to master the trends of the world and become the global leader.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all international and domestic experts for your commitment to this meaningful event. It is a pity due to the late announced lift of travel restriction that not all international speakers can attend the ICABS 2022 in person. But I expect a full house of international and domestic speakers gathering here next year. For those experts miss out visitng CMU, there will be many other opportunities for you to visit Taiwan. I wish the great success of the conference.


Thank you!!




	蔡長海董事長致詞歡迎國內外的頂尖學者會,首日講者Michael Rosbash(左上)、Nancy Davidson(左下)、Raymond DuBois(右上)、Andrew Cheng 鄭安理(右下)

蔡長海董事長致詞歡迎國內外的頂尖學者會,首日講者Michael Rosbash(左上)、Nancy Davidson(左下)、Raymond DuBois(右上)、Andrew Cheng 鄭安理(右下)













	諾貝爾獎得主 Dr. Michael Rosbash  以視訊參與2022 「臺灣國際創新生物醫學峰會」

諾貝爾獎得主 Dr. Michael Rosbash  以視訊參與2022 「臺灣國際創新生物醫學峰會」

	美國國家醫學院院士 Nancy Davidson 以視訊參與2022 「臺灣國際創新生物醫學峰會」

美國國家醫學院院士 Nancy Davidson 以視訊參與2022 「臺灣國際創新生物醫學峰會」

	臺灣大學癌症中心名譽校長、講座教授 鄭安理 (Andrew Cheng) 現場演講

臺灣大學癌症中心名譽校長、講座教授 鄭安理 (Andrew Cheng) 現場演講
